Eashoa Msheekha (Jesus the Messiah) spoke Aramaic

Language has evolved and today something written in modern English is very different from  old English. Likewise, The Ancient Aramaic Church of the East, which started in the lifetime of the Antioch Church Ministry. Leaders in that Church consisted of:

Simon Neiger
Lucius from the town of Cyrene
Manael son of Herod,
the Tetrach’s governess
 2. And as they fasted and besought Allaha, the Holy Spirit told them, “Choose for me Saul and Barnabas to do that for which I have called them.”
3. And after they fasted and prayed, they consecrated over them the hand, and they sent them off.

According to historians it was Antioch, Syria, that used  ‘The Old Tongue,’ I call it Ancient Aramaic. It is still used in the liturgy of the Eastern Churches. It is sung during Mass. There are some clergy that know how to read it. It comes in many dialects of the Middle East and Africa, of the Eastern Churches, and of the Orthodox churches of some Eastern European countries. Nobody speaks this language anymore — not the ancient form of it. Those who claim to speak Aramaic are only speaking modern derivatives of the language, just as nobody speaks Old English, or even Middle English anymore. Nobody speaks Koine Greek, Old Norse, or Old Syriac_Sertâ_book_scriptGerman, and so on. These languages have all evolved. And so today one also finds Hebrew and Aramaic spoken by millions of people in the Middle East, but these are modern versions of the language. The roots of many words are the same, however, and the old form can be learned. This I have done, so I can read the Scriptures and translate them faithfully. Actually, the Scriptures have preserved the Ancient Aramaic language, and the language has preserved the Scriptures. Ancient Aramaic is the first language spoken by human beings. The Scriptures were preserved only in this language. It is the language that Eashoa Msheekha (Jesus the Messiah) spoke.